First time to walk the new 58 mile Somerset Coast Path


No one knows what causes it, how dogs catch it or how to cure Alabama Rot so me and Luna, my trusty hound, are walking the new 58 mile England Coast Path in Somerset to raise awareness and hopefully money so that the great people at the Alabama Rot Research Fund can find some answers to stop this terrible disease that is killing dogs, young and old.  If you are able to donate it is for a really good cause via  Thank you so much as we are already at £130.  We will be posting images and stories here hopefully in glorious sunshine 🙂

If you want to find out more information about this new walk check out and 

It would be great if you could sign this petition; when it reaches 100,000 signatures Alabama Rot will be considered for debate in Parliament (today it has 16,934).

This 58 mile walk (which we are going to do over a few weeks) is also a warm up for our South West Coast Path 630 mile adventure which we are going to do in memory of dad to raise money for Bloodwise and Ward Nine at Musgrove Park Hospital, more on that soon.

Preserving energy for the walk